“Facing the pandemic was not so dramatic for me. I got fully mobilized and left no place for emotions, fear and depression. In general, I look at everything from a positive perspective. And I think this feature helps me a lot in volunteering.”

Initially, in our family volunteering was started by my father. His good example was a major stimulus for me and my brother to engage in this activity ourselves.
Soon my brother and I joined the Red Cross. We became more engaged during the pandemic.
During lockdown we provided essential food to the beneficiaries at home; we also supplied them with hygiene items.
Later I joint a Home Care Program for socially vulnerable people; I also assisted to manage COVID-19 vaccination queues at immunization centers.
Now, during the war in Ukraine, most of my activities include providing the necessary information and assistance to Ukrainian citizens in Georgia.
My Attitude towards the COVID-19 Pandemic
Facing the pandemic was not so dramatic for me. I got fully mobilized and left no place for emotions, fear, or depression. I convinced myself that there was no danger around me and that I was responsible for a lot of vulnerable people for whom my effective help was vital.
In general, I look at everything from a positive perspective. And I think this feature helps me a lot in volunteering.